About Us


My name is Zindy S. D. Nielsen and I live in beautiful Copenhagen, Denmark.

Art has been a passion of mine since 2000-2001. I drew when I was a little girl as well but it wasn’t till later on I found my true passion for drawing. Through the years I have tried different mediums and motives
but till this day charcoal remains my favorite and I’ll always love drawing emotive sad girls.

I’m a bit of a melancholic girl though I am quite positive in general. I’ve always found beauty in sadness and I love portraying it. I think it’s one of the most powerful things;
drawing out emotions.

I love the magical world of angels, fairies and
butterflies. It reminds me of sweet childhood dreams and I think we
should all keep dreaming as much as possible in this world.

I love spring and autumn, both represents change;  the beginning and end. Spring when everything in nature become green and colorful after a long grey and cold winter. Autumn the season of goodbye, where everything looks harmonic in colors and leaves fly away and gets replaced by Winter’s cold.

I love spring and summer rain, there is a special feel to it and the smell afterwards.

I find my inspiration in a lot of things such as nature, people around me, music and most of all my emotions and things I have experienced.

Through the years I have been blessed with the fantastic support of my close friends, family, love and fans. You’ve made it possible to fulfill my dream of making a living of my art.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
